Monday, June 13, 2011

DBBs vs. My beauty sleep

You would think that someone who is about to be married in roughly three weeks would be keeping up on their beauty sleep.

The minute Adonis decides to harness his horses to ride across the night sky - the damn baby birds (DBBs) wake up.

The DBBs house in our shrubbery is level with the spot where the window opens. Just when you think 5:00 a.m. is going to go by unnoticed, you hear one little peep, then all of the sudden it is like every baby bird in the northern hemisphere is bearing down on you like they're on a kamikaze mission.

The DBBs start a chain of events. Once their shrieking commences, the dog wakes up and then comes to either side of the bed sniffing and licking and then eventually sneaks up onto the bed, only to languish herself upon me and lick every inch of my exposed skin.

At about 6:00 a.m., one hour from the beginning of my own personal water-boarding session, the sleeping grizzly bear who happens to be my betrothed is rousted and proceeds to yell profanity-laced variations of "BIRDS...SHUT UP!" every 20 minutes.

By the time my alarm goes off, I've already been awake for at least 1.5+ hours, resulting in less than eight hours per sleep per night and an extremely grumpy bride-to-be.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Etsy - I'm obsessed

So sorry that your entertainment level has dropped since May 31. I've been quite busy shopping on etsy. It's taking over my life.

All I can think about is the amount of cute products to search for. For instance how cute are these?!! At any rate with my impending nuptials, I've been searching for everything from earrings, to shoes, to a clutch, bridesmaid gifts (WHICH ARE AWESOME) and headpieces.

I've bought seven things off of Etsy in the last two weeks and I'm not stopping there. I'm an Etsy-buying-machine.

In a perfect world, our wedding/reception would arrive and if anyone sees fit to give us a gift, they would all be Etsy gift cards - is that a little overboard? do they even make Etsy gift cards?

Omg - the endless possibilities of Etsy gift cards!

(I think this is officially what the "deep end"looks like)