Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Life's big decisions Part 2: I scream, you just I scream a lot.

So as I'm perusing my blog stats, I come across most referred site. Obvi, Facebook is at the top of the list, but hidden down in the corner, are search terms that people put in and ended up on my blog, and that's where I see it: screaming woman. This means that A. somebody actually Googled the words "screaming woman"and B. I'm what came up.

I thought to myself "Self, when did 'screaming woman' suddenly become my label? Does Google intrinsically know I'm the loudest 25-year-old in three states?"

I scream when I'm excited and wave my arms around like a crazy person.

I scream when I'm sad and wave my arms around like a crazy person.

I scream when I'm happy, which is usually also accompanied by gesticulation.

I do a soft-scream, more like an extremely loud talking, when I get carried away in telling a story.

I scream when I laugh and often times I am quite unflattering.

I scream at the very tippy top of my lungs when I've mad, which is usually 75 percent of the time.

So as it seems, I am a screaming woman. Thanks for clarifying Google.

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